Here's what the Opponents of SBHP's and S1955 Are Saying
Not everyone is happy with the revised AHP bill now moving through the Senate.
The National Partnership for Women and families (formerly the Women's Legal Defense Fund) continues to express concern that S1955 and other SBHP legislation will "erase years of work by states to give consumers adequate health coverage and preempt laws that guarantee coverage for cancer screenings, diabetes supplies and more." The Partnership and 36 "of the nation's top health and medical, women's, labor and advocacy groups" called on Congress to reject S1955. Here's their press release.
National Partnership for Women & Families President Debra L.Ness writes that S. 1955 would cost women and families direct access to obstetricians/gynecologists, coverage for contraception, and osteoporosis, breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening. The bill has a "broad and perilous reach" and could "wipe away consumer protection in the individual, small group and large group health insurance markets. As healthcare costs continue to increase, women are often the ones making difficult choices about how to make ends meet. S. 1955 is not a solution. Please reject this proposal."
The American Nurses Association is one of the other groups opposed. Read their take on the legislation here.
The AARP has now weighed in against the SBHP bill. Read more about this href= "">here.
12:21 PM
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